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She retired from the Newark Developmental Center. Rosie was a member of the Newark Assembly of God.Mrs. Harvey is survived by three children Donald A. Harvey, Brenda M. Sulkowski and Betty J. Youells; five grandchildren Mark L. (Jessica) Sulkowski, Danielle M. Sulkowski, Corey Youells, Adam T. Youells, and Shayla Y. Youells; seven great-grandchildren Dylan K. Wong, Zachary W. Sulkowski, Taylor R. Serrett, Brayden M. Serrett, Kaylee R. Sulkowski, Chloe Youells, and Isabelle J. Youells; two brothers Addison (Ruth) Clingerman of Ohio, Veron (Ethel) Clingerman of Maryland; two sisters Vernelda (James) Jay of Pennsylvania and Lawana (Gail) McCusker of Maryland.Rosie was predeceased by her husband, William Harvey in 2014, a son, William H. Harvey; two brothers Carrol and Dale Clingerman; a sister, Amelia Messersmith.Arrangements by Weeks-Keysor Funeral Home of Lyons, New Yorkwww.keysorfuneralhomes.com